What is SPF, DMARC and DKIM in simple terms?
Where to find the documentation of XDebug 2?
Where PHP finds the file(s) of a namespace
Cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention: HTML escaping is not enough
Journal 6: I repositioned my business again
Moving Let's Encrypt certificates
Tailwind or not
Is Ubuntu's PHP package secure?
SQL - Selecting master records based on criteria in child records
Understanding umask
Journal 5: I repositioned my business
What is HSTS?
Journal 4: The last one and a half years
Absolute and relative URLs in HTML
How do web frameworks implement asset fingerprinting?
Resources on using a system UI font stack
CSS Philosophies
Resources on writing maintainable CSS
Journal 3: About making an application faster with real user monitoring
Upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver on desktop
Journal 2: Farewell Plotly.js!
Journal 1: Looking back at refactoring Kommis, Plotly.js and teaching
Notes on database migration
Getting my ducks in a row after two years in business
Questions to ask before starting a new business idea
Shrinking a VMWare virtual machine
New resource: FAQ in webserver programming
How to add a new WordPress instance in VVV?
Getting to know your target market – best advice I've heard in a year
How I fixed a freezing Windows 7 laptop
What makes up a professional WordPress development environment?
Fix for Java file encoding problems in Gradle
5 Unconventional Marketing Ideas for IT Consultants that Help to Get More and Better Clients
How to setup a Thunderbird IMAP account when user domain differs from mail server domain
How I got my creative juices flowing while searching for a company name
How to Name a Software Company?
Slides of my talk "Effektive Datenvisualisierung mit Dashboards" held at Digital Dialog
Why on earth is Google Webmaster Tools seven days behind?
Resources about the Smart Bag
Notes on how I created the font logo of
How to serve another, externally hosted domain from an existing Edis webhosting package?
How to get rid of bloatware in Windows 7?
Upgrading to Windows 10
How to backup a Windows 7 computer?
Published by Robert Möstl